Friday, June 09, 2006

Congressman Ferguson Votes to Keep the School of the Americas Open

Congress has finished voting on the McGovern-Lewis Amendment to the Foreign Appropriations bill. The amendment was defeated by a vote of 188-218. Although it did not pass it is a very good showing. Good work to all of you who emailed called and faxed Congress.

Even though the vote is over our work is not done. We all need to find out how our Congressman/woman voted. I just called Mike Ferguson's office and the aide I spoke to told me Congressman Ferguson voted "in favor" of the ammendment. I told the aide to thank Congressman Ferguson for me. However, I just checked the roll call on the House website and Ferguson's vote was recorded as a "NAY".

You can find out how your Congressman/woman voted by calling his or her office this afternoon. Just call and say "I would like to know how Congressman/woman __________ voted on the McGovern-Lewis Amendment to the Foreign Appropriations bill." If the aide says in favor, make sure to say thank you. Also try to remember to send a thank you note or at least an email next week.

If the aide says "against" you can ask for the reason or you can say that you are disappointed. No matter what be polite. There will be another vote and the idea is to be able to influence our legislators. If they think we will never vote for them they will write us off and not listen to what we have to say.

I will post a listing of all of the New Jersey members of Congress and how they voted later today or tomorrow.


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