Thursday, July 06, 2006

Watada Has Been Charged

. . . we cannot fail to praise those who renounce the use of violence in the vindication of their rights and who resort to methods of defense which are otherwise available to weaker parties too, provided that this can be done without injury to the rights and duties of others or of the community itself. ("The Church in the Modern World," n. 78)

Lt. Ehren Watada as expected has been charged for refusing to deploy to Iraq and for the statements that he made in connection with his decision. The formal charges are for missing a movement, conduct unbecoming an officer and contempt toward officials. According to an article in the Army Times, Watada could face up to four years confinement if convicted on all charges.

Watada made a choice he chose his conscience above his duty to his country. The law says he should be punished and he probably will be. However, he is demonstrating that no matter what one's circumstances there is always free will.


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