Sunday, January 03, 2010

National Migration Week January 3-9

National Migration Week, is an observance that was initiated over 25 years ago by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

It is a time for us to reflect on the work of the Church on behalf of immigrants, refugees, trafficked persons and other people on the move. It is also a time for us to reflect on the life of Jesus and the Holy Family who were forced to leave their home to travel to Bethlehem and then to flee into Egypt to escape Herod. Popular devotion considers Jesus as a man on the move and Mary as Madonna of the Way.

The God Who Moves
by John Newbury, International Catholic Migration Commission

Holy God,
You are a God on the move.

You move in the world and in our lives.
You shape and direct Creation, and us.

Your people have always been on the move.
Moses led your people out of slavery in Egypt.
The Holy Family fled to Egypt with Jesus to escape the murderous King Herod.

Today, people continue to move.
War, poverty, oppression and injustice drive people from home and country.

We pray you will move with today's refugees, forced migrants, and internally displaced people. Comfort and save them.

We pray for the work of the International Catholic Migration Commission
We pray for all those who serve those forced to move in our world.

Holy, moving God, hear our prayer
For the sake of your own uprooted son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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