The Other Fight for Equality
Currently there is a largely progressive coalition that is fighting for equality for students. They are fighting for parity in tuition for students who are the least likely to be able to afford in-state tuition let alone the out-of state rate.
After nearly eight years the in-state tuition bill which would allow NJ students whose immigration status is undocumented to pay in-state tuition rates is finally on the floor of the state senate for a vote.
(It was scheduled for a vote yesterday, but delayed late in the day until Monday because we are just two votes short.)
Like many other bills in this lame duck session list is likely the last chance for this bill for at least the next four years since Chris Christie is opposed to it.
These are children who were brought here by their parents most have lived the majority of their lives in NJ. By virtue of living in NJ they have paid into the state system through sales tax and property taxes (even if it was paid through rent to a landlord), yet we continue to force them to pay out-of-state tuition rates at many colleges and universities.
I met some of them in Trenton on Monday. They are bright hard working and determined. Education is a way out and a way up for these kids. They have flourished despite great hardship. They desperately want an opportunity to continue their education, but their families are struggling just to provide the basic necessities for their children.
Out-of-state tuition which is usually double in-state rates is just a bridge too far for many of them. Others are forced to work two and three jobs and take only one or two classes a semester. They all keep working because they all have hope, some that their pending immigration petitions will be granted and other that some day, some how the current system will change.
NJ is the third most diverse state in the country. Our ability to accept each others differences and build on each others strength is part of what makes NJ so great.
Immigrant rights are human rights and one of those rights is a right to an education. Please support in-state tuition and treat these kids like we would any other child who calls NJ home.
Labels: access to education, equal rights, equality, higher education, immigrants rights, immigration, tuition parity
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